Bill Browning on Biophilic Design in Public Spaces | Episode 2 | Agati Video Podcast

Welcome back to the Agati Video Podcast, a new space where Joe Agati, COO & Director of Design here at Agati Furniture, hosts conversations with designers, architects, and difference-makers to bring inspiration and education.

“We have an innate affiliation with nature.” – Bill Browning

This episode is basically a masterclass introduction to biophilic design. No matter your specific role, there is so much great insight here.

For our second episode of the podcast, we have Bill Browning, one of the founders of Terrapin Bright Green, and a foremost thinker for the green building industry and well-known advocate for sustainable design solutions at all levels of business, government, and civil society. You can discover more of their work at —

In this fascinating conversation, Bill shares some of his story, what biophilia really is, the science (and studies) behind why nature in spaces reduces stress and improves results, how you can get started with biophilic design, and some fun facts to help you better understand human behavior. We were honored to have Bill as a guest, and we look forward to hearing what stands out to you in this episode!


Our Key Takeaways:

1) “We have an innate affiliation with nature.” The root of the term “biophilia” means “love of life.” By incorporating that in our spaces, we are able to significantly improve user experience, productivity, and stress reduction.

2) Combining Prospect and Refuge through furniture leads to feelings of security. We talk about this a lot around here and has huge implications for libraries, airports, and other public spaces. Especially after the last year, how are we prioritizing innate human wiring to create feelings of security?

3) The most effective spaces highlight 1 or 2 biophilic patterns. TBG highlights all the biophilic patterns in their resource, 14 Patterns of Biophilic Design. It was helpful to hear from Bill that the most effective spaces don’t go overboard on those patterns. They pick 1 or 2 to repeat throughout the space.

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