Before & After: How LA Valley College Converted a Computer Lab into Collaborative Hub for Students

Located in the Library and Academic Resource Center at LA Valley College, the MESA Center is a communal space where students get tutoring support, study, collaborate, network, and hang out! When the MESA Program Director evaluated the existing space, she envisioned something more dynamic – a space that could foster collaboration while maintaining a welcoming, cheerful atmosphere. To bring this vision to life, she partnered with Agati Furniture to transform the space into an inviting, student-centered hub. Check out the Before & After photos to see the significant transformation of the MESA Center, accomplished with careful planning and just a few thoughtfully selected, innovative furniture pieces.

“I had a vision of creating a hub for students that would combine a strong academic space with a social environment where they would feel comfortable no matter what their purpose. I just have to say that the AGATI Team was extremely helpful in helping me organize and design the MESA Center Space. Our MESA students regard their Center as their home away from home on campus. Mission accomplished!”
Pamela Byrd-Williams
MESA Program Director
Professor of Biology, Los Angeles Valley College